Transit Transformation Workshop (Part 1)

Transit Transformation Workshop (Part 1)


This event is now pre-recorded.

October is here, a time of deep transmutation – transforming the self into a purified state of wholeness. The transits that are happening now, and the shifts remaining throughout the rest of the year are asking for our deepest depths. Beckoning the integrity of the commitments to who we wish to be in the world. Will you rise to the occasion or get stuck in the emotional intensity, denial, arrogance, regret, and subconscious attachments? What will it take to transcend these deeply rooted patterns of thought, behavior, and energy to bring forth the desired state of being?

What will it take to rise above these transits, having a bird’s eye view of what is going on and making the space for miracle to occur during this time of transformation? What will it take to become the embodiment and shape your reality through the satisfaction of the emotions?


Using this vision of your desires as momentum to get forward in life. By understanding the psychodynamics of these transits to:

-        Get out of the wounding to allow creative transformation.

-        Understand where in your chart the transformation is asking for change in life.

-        How to allow grace into all the parts that feel stuck, dark, & scary for the rest of the year

It is a time of potent, beautiful, powerful ascension. Life is precious, you deserve to feel precious. You deserve to know what you are made of, and the world needs you to rise at this time. Stopping the story, learn from it and shift.

In this workshop, you will learn all these tools to use for the rest of 2018. You will become acquainted with the workings of the astrological energy and what the multi layered Scorpio energy is asking from us. Jupiter in Scorpio is ending. Venus in Scorpio is going into retrograde. Pluto, ruled by Scorpio naturally, has gone direct in Capricorn. Get to the bottom of the meanings of these transits. Attend the workshop live and receive:

-        Knowledge on using astrological energy to mold life.

-        An included meditation for holding this energy and using it to shift.

-        Ask specific questions and get a live tarot reading.

It is at a reduced price until October 5th. After this date, the price into the webinar will triple. Purchasing the webinar also gives you access to the meditation even if you can’t make it live.

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