Clarifying Session

Clarifying Session


Astrology gives perspective on the complicated aspects of our life. Astrology can help explain where and why we are stuck in situations not limited to but including finding our purpose, love, and fiances. Astrology can be used in many ways, including but not limited to make investments or plan a vacation or to change the trajectory of our life. Astrology can be used as a tool for self awareness for each person to understand their needs, strengths, pitfalls, and soul.

In a 90 minutes session, we can go deep into aspects in life that need more clarity.

These sessions are designed to get very clear on what is happening. The times that we feel too much is changing, or coming to us at once; it is an opportunity to renew ourselves with awareness that is outside our own perspective.

Transit consults get deeper into the specifics of a current transit. During this time, there is a lot in the workings and available for us to use to accelerate our life for the better.

Saturn Return, Mercury retrogrades, Jupiter Return, North Node Return, and Progression Transits that are important at the time are all covered in this consult.

At the end of the consult, there will be a 3 month/90 day Astrologer in your pocket feature. You will have one to one access to me as your Astrologer via text message. Meaning you will be able to text me for personal information on transits, moon phases, and retrogrades in this 90 day period. This can help with dating, investing, and any other need that you seek.

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Meet me at the zoom link at the time you picked.

Refunds are only given if the call is rescheduled or cancelled 24 hours in advance. Under no other circumstances will refunds be given. If you show up 10 minutes late, the video call will close. It is highly unlikely I will be able to reschedule your missed video call. In respect to my time, your time, and the time of my other clients please be on time.

All my sessions are video recorded. It will be uploaded to as an unlisted video on YouTube. The link plus some notes will be emailed to you within 7 business days.