Dragon Embodiment; Pluto Transformation

Dragon Embodiment; Pluto Transformation


This is not your average self-improvement workshop. This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to claim your power, rewrite your narrative, and emerge from the transit of transformation as a magnificent, empowered being ready to conquer the Aquarian Plutonian Age. Pluto will be in Aquarius until 2043.

In this virtual ritual, you will:

  • Review the shift of Pluto in Aquarius by the signs

  • Connect with the powerful archetype of the dragon as a guide.

  • Unleash your inner fire and embrace your personal power.

  • Craft protective and empowering rituals to last through the Aquarian Plutonian Age.

  • Forge a supportive community of fellow dragon-wielders who are eager to make the most of this transit.

Unfurl Your Wings: A Dragon Embodiment Ritual for the Cosmic Shift

January 20th marks the dawn of a new era. Pluto, the planet of transformation, wealth, power, and darkness sheds its earthy Capricorn time since 2008 and transits in the choatic, revolutionary skies of Aquarius. This transit, lasting until 2043, will witness a seismic upheaval in everything from brain health and AI advancements to social structures and the very definition of wealth and your daily life quality.

Are you ready to soar with the winds of change?

Join us for an extraordinary virtual ritual where you'll embody the potent essence of the dragon. These mythical creatures, revered for their wisdom, power, and potent fire, offer the perfect guidance for navigating this momentous transition. Connecting you to oppurtunity, and protecting you.

Why Dragon Embodiment?

  • Protection: Dragons shield you from the potentially turbulent energies of the shift, keeping your mind and spirit safe as you navigate uncharted territory.

  • Transformation: As Pluto digs deep for the wealth within you, the dragon's transformative fire helps you alchemize these hidden gems into power and success.

  • Guidance: Embrace the dragon's wisdom and insight to make informed choices and seize the opportunities this cosmic shift unveils.

  • Community: Connect with a like-minded tribe of fellow dragon-hearted souls, forge supportive bonds, and share the journey together.

Don't let the cosmic shift overwhelm you. Rise above with the power of drawing on the dragon.

Click the donation button to reserve your spot in this life-changing virtual ritual and the high quaility, captioned replay

Don't miss this limited-time opportunity to claim your power and make the Aquarian Plutonian Age your own.

Remember, the date is January 20th at 3:33PM Pacific.

Be there, or be left behind.

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